Printcolor Ltd.
Welschloh 299
8965 Mutschellen/Berikon Aargau Switzerland
+41 (0)56 648 85 85
+41 (0)56 648 85 00

Eco Footprint Statement

Eco Footprint Statement

Printcolor’s Eco Footprint Statement is therefore based on a study by EuPIA. This screening study was conducted using a generic printing ink formulation and serves as a representative reference for a broader assessment of environmental impacts. The study analyzes the impact of the reference ink in five key environmental categories and shows that the generic reference formulation accounts for only a small share of the overall environmental impact of printed substrates.

Environmental Footprint Results for 1 kg of Generic Ink product (Cradle-to-Gate):

 Impact categories:  1 kg of printing ink:
Global Warming Potential or Carbon footprint (GWP): 3264 g CO2 eq
Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) 351 μg CFC-11 eq
Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP) 2190 mg C2H4 eq
Acidification Potential (AP) 24.5 g SO2 eq
Eutrophication Potential (EP) 9608 mg PO4 eq

Detailed explanations of the study can be found in the document «EuPIA Eco Footprint and Screening of reference». 

Eco Footprint Statement Printcolor EuPIA Eco Footprint and Screening of reference