Magic Foam & Magic Frost – UV haptic varnish
The UV haptic varnish Series 590-05/720 was developed for the finishing of offset prints. The coating consists of a special selection of raw materials, which creates a foam structure in the ink film immediately after printing. After UV curing, this ink film is fixed scratch-resistant, and the resulting surfaces can be used to refine ice or foam motifs. By selecting the mesh, the fineness of the effect can be changed accordingly.
Customers react more emotionally to communication that contains haptic stimuli and can be better convinced - so make your communication tactile. Bring your flyers, pictures or brochures to life with the Magic Foam and Magic Frost effects from Printcolor.
The varnish creates a foam-like surface which is ideal for the print finishing of foam (Magic Foam), but also snow or ice motifs (Magic Frost). A wide variety of motifs and products are conceivable, from the whitecaps to snowy mountains, from detergent to shaving foam - let your imagination run wild and attract the attention of your customers.
The texture of an object is also visually perceived, which means that the UV haptic varnish has a visual component in addition to the haptic component.