Printcolor Ltd.
Welschloh 299
8965 Mutschellen/Berikon Aargau Switzerland
+41 (0)56 648 85 85
+41 (0)56 648 85 00

Secure Documents

In today’s production environments, security inks can be a highly effective and cost-effective instrument to protect banknotes or documents against manipulation or forgery. Our security inks business unit produces innovative solutions for banknotes, identification documents, fiscal stamps, bank cheques, ballot papers and other government documents.

Printcolor has established a robust international reputation as a supplier for wear-resistant UV-curing systems for printing polymer substrates. In the laminated plastic card segment, Printcolor is a global market leader with an unrivaled range of special inks.

Our spectraCRYPT series for instance covers an extensive range of high-security inks for secure documents:

CRYPT Description Classification
Inks whose pigments produce a distinct interplay of colors in the visible light spectrum, depending on the viewing angle.
Inks available in many variations, which become reversibly transparent above a defined temperature threshold.
Invisible markers that emit detectable electromagnetic waves upon irradiation with an excitation source.
Inks that become invisible or visible in near-infrared light.
Hidden designs that can be made visible by polarization filters.
Mono-, bi- or tri-luminescence that is invisible in daylight and emits rich colors under UV light with specific wavelengths.
Invisible high-security markers that can be unambiguously and legally validated in the laboratory.

Our research synergies, for instance with the electronic inks unit, and decades of mature expertise in graphic technologies have led to the development of printing inks that are capable of meeting an increasingly broad array of functions and an unmatched degree of problem-solving efficiency. At Printcolor our key corporate objective is the development of creative new products and a stringent focus on our customers’ business models. Lobby work and attempting to influence political decision-making processes have no place in our services. We are fully committed to supporting and promoting free competition through constructive, fair participation in international markets and we adhere uncompromisingly to high ethical standards.